Welcome to Introvert Yogi! 🖤

You can read more about my yoga and 1:1 coaching services introvertyogi.com

Let's connect on Instagram @introvertyogi

I offer yoga and 1:1 coaching for highly sensitive introverts to help you get out of overwhelm and feel more calm so that you can feel more energised, have more focus and self-compassion to pursue the kind of life deep down you know you are meant to.

Hi, I’m Sini

I help highly sensitive introverts feel less stressed and overwhelmed so they can live a more calm, balanced and purposeful life.

I’m a certified yoga teacher and mindset coach, and as an introvert and highly sensitive person (HSP), I especially love empowering other fellow introverts and HSPs to find their inner superpower to feel more recharged and less drained in their daily life. I do this through a combination of yoga, meditation and mindfulness, breathing exercises and mindset work, all designed to help highly sensitive introverts integrate more self-care and cultivate more self-compassion, karuna, in their busy lives. Sensitivity is a strength but to make it work for us, we need to fully understand and embrace it, and know how to harness it for our success.