In this course you will learn:

👉 What exactly are yogic breathing techniques (pranayama) and why they help us reduce stress and overwhelm (quickly and effectively without prior yoga knowledge required)

👉 The most powerful breathing techniques used by ancient yogis to release energetic blocks harming our mental, emotional and physical health

👉 How you can use simple and powerful yogic breathing techniques to balance your nervous system and tap into your inner calm despite the chaos around you or inside you (even if you’ve never practised breathwork before)

👉 Practical breathing exercises you can integrate into your daily life immediately to feel more calm and less anxious so that you can drop the overthinking, be more self-compassionate, focused and joyful

Hi there!

Here's a quick overview about me & this course and why I've put it together:

Why does breathwork matter?

Your breath has the power to regulate your whole nervous system instantly.

When your nervous system is regulated, you will:

🖤 Be able to separate yourself from all the chaos and drama happening around you and protect your energy better - being less on “reaction” mode to everything around you and no more being constantly “on edge”.

🖤 Be more patient and compassionate with other people (and yourself!) and have better and more joyful relationships.

🖤 Feel more energised and unlock your creativity to pursue your dreams and goals - stop procrastinating, let go of constant overwhelm and the “not knowing where to even start” mode, and anchor into your inner silence and focus.

In this course, you will learn how to tap into the power of your breath and unlock the doors to your inner calm.

This course is for you if:

You are interested to learn yogic breathing techniques that help to regulate your nervous system and relieve stress and anxiety so that you can feel more calm and relaxed

You are a total beginner to yoga and breathwork, or a more advanced practitioner or a yoga teacher who wants to refresh their skills in yogic breathing techniques

You often feel low in energy and suffer from overthinking, overwhelm, stress and nervous system overstimulation and are ready to let go of that

You want to strengthen your mind-body connection and feel more present, connected and balanced in your body

Hey there,

I’m Sini (she/her), a certified yoga teacher (RYT-500, hatha, vinyasa and yin) and a life coach. My mission is to help highly sensitive persons (HSPs) and introverts feel more calm, energised and balanced so they can pursue the kind of meaningful life deep down they know they are meant to and stop procrastinating and doubting their abilities and potential.

I’ve found yogic breathing techniques to be the most effective tools we can use to get out of our own way, from our minds into our bodies, feel more calm and focused and less stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. I’m excited to share my knowledge and practices with you in this course!

🖤 Sini

What my clients say:

Mona (London/UK):

"I loved learning breathing techniques that I have continued practicing at home and that helped me with mindfulness as well as other health benefits such as increasing my lung capacity. After having worked with Sini, I feel much less stressed and more calm."

Leilia (Geneva/Switzerland):

"I particularly enjoyed the focus on different breathing techniques; I have incorporated these into my daily life and see a huge difference. I now feel much better able to manage how I feel and am more equipped to intentionally build more calm and happiness into my days." 
